VBALL 01O    Volleyball - Wed Rev Coed Quads A SUMMER     Spring-Summer - 2024

Online Registration Unavailable

CRPD Adult Volleyball league fees include individual team awards for the championship team. Leagues run approximately 10-12 weeks and include one up ref. Please call the La Sierra Sports Office at 916-483-7826 for more information. Games are played at the La Sierra Community Center.
Res $275.00 / Non-Res $288.00
Overall Spots Available: 12
Online Spots: 12
In Person Spots: 12
Resident Spots: 12
Non-Resident Spots: 12
Grades: N/A
Ages: 18+ by 6/12/2024
Registration Dates:
Resident 'Online' Begins:
Tue, 05/07/2024 12:00 PM
Non-Resident 'Online' Begins:
Tue, 05/07/2024 12:00 PM
Resident 'In House' Begins:
Tue, 05/07/2024 12:00 PM
Non-Resident 'In House' Begins:
Tue, 05/07/2024 12:00 PM

Registration Ends:
Wed, 06/12/2024 11:59 PM

Activity Dates, Days, Times:
Start Date: Wed, 06/12/2024
End Date: Wed, 08/07/2024
Days/Times: Wed 07:15 PM - 10:15 PM
Number Of Sessions: 9
Class will not meet on:

Primary Location:
Johnson Gym (Big) @ La Sierra Community Center
5325 Engle Road
Carmichael, CA 95608